stacks an’ stacks of letters.” (Thank you, Perry Como)

Actually, I don’t get many letters, snail mail or email. I don’t even get all that many comments. But we don’t need no steenkin’ letters–I’m gonna answer some questions anyway.

Q. You keep writing that Homeland is character driven. Well, I watched the last couple of episodes and it just seemed like regular television. What are you talking about?

A. Must ‘fess up here.  It looks like Homeland has jumped the shark. Originally the show was driven by Carrie’s (Claire Danes) relationship to Nicholas Brody (Damien Lewis) and Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin). No more. Season Two has devolved into a somewhat more complex and mundane Spy vs. Spy, much to my regret. I still watch it but am disheartened by the path it’s taken and no longer sing its praises. Another great show bites the dust.  Gotta love television.

Q. You extoll the virtues of Treme, but I don’t get it. Every time I turn it on, music is playing.  What kind of television show is that? A variety hour? I thought it was supposed to be about the aftermath of Katrina. What gives?

A. What gives is a unique program that is about the aftermath of Katrina, but also about people who adamantly cling to their New Orleans identity, which is, in no small measure, music and food. So the music is the meat on the bone. There are of course subplots, but each of them is connected in some way to the show’s central themes. Kudus to HBO for bringing it back for a third season (albeit, a shortened one) since it gets lousy ratings. But if you don’t enjoy a program where music is often the centerpiece, don’t bother watching Treme. I find it experimental and daring; plus I’m learning a whole lot about a distinctive, irreplaceable culture.

Q. It seems as if you have the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in your head 24/7. Haven’t you noticed the other hotspots around the world? And every time you write about the conflict you blame Israel. What is that about?

A. It’s about my background. I attended yeshivas from third grade through high school. Other than the Hasids in my high-school yeshiva, who were fervently anti-Zionist because they wanted a theocracy in Israel, I was spoon-fed a history that I later discovered was a whitewashing of the truth about the ways in which Palestinians and Arabs in Israel and out were/are actually treated.

I didn’t understand the extent until I was in college and another part of my personal history underwent a change. That had to do with the Vietnam War, which exploded the way I viewed the world. When I put the pieces back together nothing was the same. I understood what colonialism meant, the realpolitik of American foreign policy, and that understanding forged my commitment to those who were usually getting the short end of the stick. It became impossible not to rethink and relearn Israel’s history and its relationship with the Palestinian and Arab peoples. It would be totally hypocritical for me not to analyze that situation in the same way I do all others. And frankly, what I’ve written is what I believe and know it is backed by hard, cold, facts.

Q. It’s absolutely clear that you hate everyone who might be a Republican. That attitude makes me sick. It’s either your way or the highway for you and your left-wing friends and that’s just bullshit.

A. It would be if you were even close to accurate—but you’re not. I don’t hate all Republicans—as those Republicans who actually know me understand. I hate what the Republican Party has become. I grew up with Clifford Case, Jacob Javitz, and Nelson Rockefeller. And while I didn’t particularly support any of them, I believed, believe, they had honest concern for our social compact. That’s a long, long way from what the party is these days. Now the Republican Party is pushed around and controlled by people whose only concern is forcing their reactionary beliefs to become the law of the land. So, I don’t hate all Republicans. I hate the current Republican Party. I’m not too keen about the Democratic Party either.

Q. You’ve written that you’re finished with “legacy” publishers despite the fact that it was the “legacies” that published your first three Matt Jacob novels. Aren’t you ungrateful and bitter for no reason?

A. I used to be very bitter, but it wasn’t without reason. My third and then my fourth novel (which I took with me as part of a negotiated settlement) were met with ongoing attempts of censorship. In fact, during a protracted fight with the vice president of the house about the so-called villain of my third book, No Saving Grace (which they eventually published the way I wrote it) I was told to change the person’s nationality. When asked why there were no complaints about the embezzling priest, the vice president’s response was “Jews buy more books than Catholics.”  (Buy the e-book and see what I mean.)

When the same sort of pressure hit me about Ties That Blind, only aimed at Matt Jacob himself, I was done fighting and walked. At that time there were no e-books or print on demand. The only alternative to the legacies were vanity presses, aka rip-offs. So yes, I was bitter. But that bitterness passed as I grew to like jury consulting and loved the people with whom I worked. When e-books became a viable option, I retrieved all the rights to my books and decided to return to writing. The first three are available (check the Matt Jacob page on this web site) with the fourth just a few months away. Now my only censor is me and I much prefer it that way.

Q. Who the hell are you to put words in a dead person’s mouth like you did with Truman Capote?

A. A fiction writer. I make stuff up.

“You can only be afraid of what you think you know.” 
― Jiddu Krishnamurti

12 thoughts on ““LETTERS, WE GET LETTERS…

  1. Love this. You’re putting all of your conversations in your head right out there. Like we’ve caught you muttering to yourself. Only you’re not afraid to ‘fess up that:
    1. yes, you do talk to yourself (doesn’t everyone?), and
    2. you have some spirited conversations going on in there


    • Thanks, Donna. Yeah, I talk to myself all the time. I know I’m getting loud when Sue tells me to knock it off. So I guess it must be pretty spirited. Thanks for the read and comment. Very appreciated.

  2. Kindred! Hittin’ on all cylinders.
    No wonder we’ve been friends… well that and 1300 miles. You da man!
    Politics, Religion, Lines on the map, Boundaries… Artificial limitations or immutable rules?

    I’ve always envied your facility to ask and answer internally then transfer the output into your written words. If: Then.

    I see you finding a comfort level of discomfort that has always fueled your writing.
    One more question, if you’ll indulge, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

  3. Hi Zach,
    Without the political content of your blog, I probably wouldn’t have paid too much attention to it. Now that, and I guess our shared location, have hooked me. Keep up the good work. That’s all we can do at this point.
    Also, I too had discouraging experiences with NY publishers in the early 90’s. I stopped writing but when POD and e options became available I was bitten with the writing bug again. I have one novel from then out now in paper and e-versions. The second in the series will be out in the spring. I’m re-writting 3 other novels from back then too. Working on lots of new short stories.
    Thanks for the great blog.
    Jed Power http://darkjettypublishing.com

  4. Donna nailed it. You answered numerous questions and offered some good insight. I really like what you said about Homeland. Season 1 was unbelievably great, so much tension and so much happened with none of the shooting and chase scenes and near escapes that make tv and movies so superficial. I am not enjoying the current run of episodes nearly as much

    Israel/Palestine discussion is needed. The US coverage is so terribly and tragic one-sided. I see Israelis committed always to the worst course not only for the Palestinians, and the rest of the world but for themselves. Too bad US is so steadfastly behind these bad moves. I find the latest plan to build in East Jerusalem and cutting west bank in half as beyond my wildest imagination. Israeli’s consistently out do my negative view of what they will do

    • Ron–I guess all I have to do is keep track of all the shit that motors through my head. That and continuing The Dead Series Interviews. The name reminds me of The Young Peoples’ Concerts put on by Leonard Bernstein.

      Actually, when I get some time I intend to re-read Paulene Kael to see how to do a really good review. But you and I feel exactly the same about Homeland and Israel.

  5. Magnificent, brother! For some great tunes and writing about same, check out the Louisiana Music edition of Oxford American magazine. My friend Jason Berry (consultant on Treme I think) wrote tghe piece on Professor Longhair.

  6. I imagine from time to time we just ignore each others politics for a few days at a time. Sometimes I will put off reading this for a few days if I am not in a political mood and know it is a political post, but I do come back and and read them all.

    Now when it come to interviewing yourself? That can be really fun. I interview myself often. Last time I did it I was shocked at what I had to say to me. One of these days I am going to get walked in on… Do they have TV studios in the institution?

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